1.If I show another aspect of that technology then, in a completely different context -- this apartment building in the Alps in Switzerland.
2.In a different context we might have been able to develop certain talents and qualities more.
3.Objective uncertainty is about what Donald Rumsfeld (in a different context) referred to as the "known unknowns" .
4.Will the children of the rich really "pull the plug on grandma" , as Barack Obama put it (in an admittedly different context)?
5.The same lessons are being learnt in a different context, that of financial services for the very poor.
6.Hanfei's law ideology is entirely different from contemporary law, two kinds theory under different context do not been compared abruptly.
7.And now that I think about it, there's no actual single word for "gone" in Chinese, just the word "go" used in different context.
8.By simply changing the stylesheet, you can change the overall look of your diagram to make it more suitable for a different context.
9.The name sounds funny at first, but if you think about it, you already know what a thumbnail is in a different context.
10.The payload, thus extracted from the original message, may not be inserted faithfully into a different context.